Hammad Gillani (b. 1993, Peshawar, Pakistan) graduated with a degree in painting from the National College of Arts in 2016. Hammad’s practice and training are rooted in the traditional miniature technique, which he uses to explore further investigations on the human condition and language, capturing movement and postures and articulating meaninglessness through his visuals. He scrutinises the details and gradation, to unpack the everyday imagery that manifests emotionally, socially and materially. Through his works, he journeys into the search for meaning. About his practice, Hammad says, “I have created my vocabulary rather than using this (miniature) technique in the same way as it was used in olden times. I seek to go beyond the idea of communication in the direct sense and the calligraphic output supports the aesthetic constituency of my form.” His selected exhibitions include, ‘Personal/Universal’, curated by Aisha Khalid at Hinterland Gallery (Vienna, 2016), ‘Poor Translations’ at Chawkandi Art Gallery (Karachi, 2021), The Figure of Sound, a group exhibition curated by Preeti Bahadur, Shridharani Gallery (New Delhi, 2023).  Hammad is currently based in Lahore, Pakistan.