Bushra Waqas Khan

Bushra Waqas Khan (b. 1986, Multan, Pakistan) graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from the National College of Arts, Lahore in 2008. Trained as a Printmaker, Bushra works with the design of the state paper or “Affidavit” which is decorated with national emblems and Islamic patterns and used for all official documents in Pakistan. After transferring the paper’s patterns onto fabric, they are cut and embroidered into intricate and elaborate garments of a miniature scale. Using its patterns and positioning them strategically by doubling or repeating them is the most celebrated trait of her practice. Working with textile students has given the 2D prints an unusual direction. Bushra received the TAF Emerging Artist Award South Asia (2022) and was a finalist for the Jameel Art Prize ‘6’ (2021). Her solo shows include Fairy Tales, Canvas Gallery (Karachi, 2022) and The Red Carpet, Khaas Contemporary (Islamabad, 2021). Her selected group exhibitions include Simultaneity as Design; Pakistan and Beyond, Lahore Fort (Lahore, 2024), Poetry to Politics, Jameel Prize, Jameel Arts Centre (Dubai, 2023), Rehang, Anant Art Gallery (New Delhi, 2021), among others. Her works are part of the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK, The Arts Family Foundation TAF, London, UK, and the Faizal & Shabana Foundation, Sharjah, UAE. Bushra currently teaches at the National College of Arts, Lahore, Pakistan.